Monday, August 2, 2010

Robotics 1.03: Skins is out!

At long last, I finally get around to posting this. Yes, Robotics 1.03 is up and going at CDbaby! It gives me warmfuzzies to think that I'm only two CDs away from completing this series. Then I can just do software releases as I think of them!

Upcoming releases include two Jukebox CDs (each with bonus track!), Sleep Ray for men and women, and Intoxication for men and women. I also have a lot of script ideas, and more keep coming.

Travel plans for the remainder of this year and next are beginning to solidify. Definitely on the agenda: LeatherFet in Charlotte, Fetish Fair Flea in Providence, NEEHU II in New England somewhere, Poly Family weekend in Atlanta, and Winter Fire in DC. I am also going to try to make Transcending Boundaries in Boston, 2011 Kinkfest in Portland (Oregon, not Maine), and Shibaricon - the latter for my own enjoyment rather than to present.

Local folks might be interested in knowing that the next Focus Group (that's the MN erotic hypno group) meeting is 15-AUG at 5pm CDT. Email me or log into Fetlife and RSVP to the event.

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