Monday, February 14, 2011

Whew, what a week or so...

Fetish Fair Flea Market came faster and with even more fun than I expected. Some of the highlights:

* Hanging out with Wiseguy and Dani again. Good friends are sometimes hard to find... I am lucky beyond belief to count these awesome people among mine.
* The tranquilizer dart. Hee.
* People who came out at 9am (!) to hear me give my hypnosis 101.
* People who then stopped by the NEHG table and got hypnotized.
* The Saturday Night Hypnoparty. Good grief, that was fun.
* The room induction on Sunday morning.
* Recording the next podcast with Doctor Slashblight.
* Fucking with Copper and Jukebox's heads ALL WEEKEND LONG. (YAY!)
* Making play dates for NEEHU.
* Vampire play with a lovely, adorable, snuggleable, sexy woman.
* The hot tub on Sunday night.
* People playing with the light and sound machines.
* The way people loved my sparkly glitter toy balls. Best. Pervertables. Ever.

Once again, I made so many new friends. I find my attention turning now rather firmly to NEEHU, but over the next couple of days I will be elaborating on the list above. I have to edit that podcast, though, and get it posted!

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