Monday, December 21, 2009

Final gift: Merchant's Daughter MF/FF mp3s

The final gift of this Yuletide season: The Merchant's Daughter vampire fantasy mp3. This one is available now, on the longest night, and until sunset North Carolina US Eastern time tomorrow. (I plan on releasing this one on CD, so I don't plan to leave it up long.)

Male-Female Female-Female

Edited to add: If you're not sure, here's thrall's review of the Ff version.

It's dark here, now. The candles are lit. The Longest Night has begun. I will be taking calls - watch for my availability.

They say that which you do on Yuletide Eve you will be doing all year long. In that spirit, I extend my heartfelt wish that whatever you do, you enjoy it with all of your heart.

May your dreams on the Longest Night grant you insight, and may the Return of the Light bring with it joy.

Dona nobis pacem.


  1. Thank you, Ma'am, I look forward to listening to it. :)


  2. Thank you, Lady Ru'etha! Like amber, I am very much looking forward to listening to this. :)

    Lady K

  3. Please do let me know how you liked it. :) I really had fun recording it, I want to do more vamp mp3s, and feedback helps me improve.

  4. The imagery was really well laid out, the only suggestion that was hard for me to follow in my imagination was the foreign dialect. Besides this, everything came out quite vivid and I must say there is certain appeal in being made to have a waking sleepwalking daze as part of a trance, not only does it layer and increase depth for me as a subject but helps enter the fantasy a lot better.

    The room of doors was a good way of seperating the fantasy persona from my core self and was possibly the most creative part of the session, allowing the fantasy to be accepted easier.

    I commend your efforts and tip my hat to you :)
